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The Art of Creating the Perfect CV

119 2022/09/14

Clear, Simple, Smart: The Art of Creating the Perfect CV

Finding a job is the next step after graduating, and a strong CV will catch the eyes of recruiters.  Your resume must reflect your best qualities, experiences, and skill.  Because of this, improving your CV can boost your chances of getting an interview. This article will show you how to create a Clear, Simple, Smart CV that helps you land a job interview.

Start With the Essential 

Your CV should list important information that can persuade recruiters to contact you. Whatever position you apply for, your CV needs to have these components.

_ Work experience:  you can list down your work experiences at your previous company or volunteer work along with the position and key responsibilities assigned to you. Additionally, you can briefly mention what you have learned from your previous workplaces, as well as your achievements there.

_ Education and qualification: degrees, skills, and certificates you have received through your academic studies can also be listed in this section along with the name of the college you studied at because some recruiters base their hiring decisions on your educational background.

_ Some personal details: You can include personal information on your CV, but it needs to be relevant and able to show your commitment to recruiters. 

Formatting Your CV

Sometimes the structure of your resume makes it difficult for recruiters to understand the experiences and skills you describe, which can lead them to ignore your application. Try to design your resume in a readable way. 

_List everything in chronological order: You must arrange things chronologically, starting with your experiences and education before moving on to the following, less significant points.

_ Bullet point: Use bullet points to help recruiters easily read your resume and to give the impression that you are a well-organized person

_ Font: Use fonts on your resume that are simple for recruiters to read. You can always go to Times New Roman, and Calibri.

_ Grammar: You must proofread the grammar on your resume. You can ask your friends to check it for you or use grammar-checking apps.

_ Layout: Use an A4 layout when writing a CV and limit the length of your CV to no more than 1-2 pages.

Taking into consideration all of these details can make your CV stand out from other applicants.

Minimize Irrelevant Details

You don't need to write a lengthy CV because it is not an essay or an autobiography. You can omit data that is unrelated to the position you're applying for such as your weight, height, marital status, and religion. You should include skills like teamwork, multitasking, or the ability to perform under pressure on your resume to attract the attention of recruiters.

Check and Proofread

Check your resume often to ensure that it is error-free and has no spelling mistakes before sending it to recruiters. Make sure your CV adheres to the job description by asking friends to proofread it for mistakes or using grammar-checking tools.

In conclusion, following these steps mentioned above make your CV attractive to recruiters, and it will help you get an interview. Recheck your CV and ask yourself if you were the recruiter, will you pick your CV?

If you have problems in finding a job, consider using the CamboJob platform to browse over 150,000 jobs from over 5000 companies registered with the platform just by downloading CamboJob Mobile App available on AppStore and PlayStore, or you can go directly to Cambojob.com.


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